Our offer in the area of engineering production capitalizes on the rich experience of designers, engineers, technologists and labourers we provide with improved qualification and professional growth. We do all of this in order to provide our customers with the products and services of top quality. We esteem loyalty of our well-established customers whom we offer the above-standard cooperation conditions. The engineering production in ORT Nový Bydžov falls into several sections.

Production of machines and equipment
We can specialize in the production and development of machines – mostly the single-purpose machines – owing to the fact that we have our own designers. We analyze your specifications in detail to perform inspection of your premises, location of the actual machine and the area such machine will operate in, including the follow-up technologies. These findings and information are used by our designers to create the necessary concept of the purpose of the machine or mechanical equipment and make it easier to transfer your needs into the technical drawing.

Repair to machines and equipment
We carry out complete overhauls of the machines to rectify the causes and consequences of wear and tear, accidents, purposeful repairs of individual machine structural assemblies or whole machines, complete overhauls and modifications of machinery, equipment refurbishment and modernization, including the projection in 3D, electrical installation, and pneumatic mechanisms.

Maintenance of machines and equipment
We are aware of the long-term trend manifested by the decline of experienced workers in the engineering production so we come up with the services in the very area of maintaining and servicing the machines and mechanical equipment. We take this line to head for our customers and we will help you to handle the lack of experienced technical and service personnel. A matter of course is also the support of all the state-of-the-art production technologies that are in use of ORT Nový Bydžov spol. s r.o.