Do you have an older machine or does the equipment supplier no longer exist?
You can refer to us then. We will arrive to fixate and produce a new part. Complete delivery up to the customer site with installation and adjustments is a commonplace.
However, our services do not end here. We will take care of the mechanical parts we had manufactured and we will carry out their maintenance on regular basis. One of the optional solutions for such maintenance and service is the Servicing Contract in which our company undertakes to carry out regular maintenance not only for the mechanical parts and machinery it had produced and delivered.
The mechanical parts we had manufactured perform safely for long periods of time in both the mechanical equipment and in the production lines in various industries – starting from the food industry through the lines that process steel, metal sheets, plastic materials, foils, up to the machine tools and forming equipment.
We make almost new machines from the old ones
General overhauls of the machines are the repairs that are necessary and if omitted they can result in considerable financial losses caused to the machinery user. Thus we recommend that general overhauls are performed in the specified intervals.
We are usually addressed by the companies that operate the production line machinery but lack the service background assured by the manufacturer in the Czech Republic or such manufacturer no longer exists or it is not interested in the maintenance and repair of these machines.
Our services in the area of machine general overhauls include the steps below:
- machine disconnection in your factory building (electric power, supplies of technological fluids and raw materials, steam, water, rubber, …)
- machine disassembly and its taking apart to smaller parts if necessary
- loading and transport (haulage into our premises)
- actual execution of a general overhaul and service tasks
- transport to the customer
- seating of the machine, its installation and assembly
- connection to underground services
- machine commissioning and consequent trial run
- transfer of the work
We ensure general overhauls starting from the minor machines up to general overhauls of the production lines. Processing of the repair documents is a matter of course. If requested by customers we can assure expert opinion of the Engineering Testing Institute that issues a report with machine qualification certificate to the machine after the tests have been completed.